Tag: health

A Story About…Eating

A Story About…Eating

How does your past experience shape your approach to eating now? Can we change our future? I think so!   ‘Eyes bigger than…’   I was reminded of this phrase whilst eating my lunch recently.   I was starving. So made a very decent sized […]

A Story About…Old dog, old tricks…and new!

A Story About…Old dog, old tricks…and new!

A Story about …Old dog, old tricks…and new! After almost 4 years and 5 operations I finally got permission to go back to the sport I love. Bring it on. Never too old Never too broken Never let life stop you Always time to do […]

A Story About…Overflowing

A Story About…Overflowing

A Story about …Overflowing …and who’s in your corner?

A river, on the whole, is a great example of personal growth and development.

It carves its way through the landscape, growing slowly, making small changes in its path to obstacles that it comes up against.

Its pattern seems a constant at a glimpse, but watched over time you see the changes happen.

And so it continues on its merry way, doing its own thing in its own time, gradually progressing and finding its way.

Sometimes, external forces exert their influence. In this case, a massive increase in its level of water due to massive rain fall.

So it is forced to make a drastic change. Something has to give.

The river bursts its banks to ease the pressure.

Then, with the help of other external influences – the ground talking the excess load, the weather changing to slow the influx of water – the river returns to flowing slowly down to the sea.

We can look after ourselves, create our own path, keep on our own personal journey of health and happiness.

Sometimes, those external forces make their presence felt and we have to make drastic changes.

? Who is in your corner to help you absorb the impact and help steer you back into your flow?



Group, Online or 121 Memberships – what works for you best? You choose. PM me for a chat to find your best solution.

A Story About…”You do you hun”

A Story About…”You do you hun”

  A story about “You do you hun” …. what anchors you when the expectation to conform conflicts with your authenticity? I’ve seen this phrase is being used on social media in a derogatory manner. And quite frankly it makes me cross. As someone who […]

A Story About…The Voice In Your Head

A Story About…The Voice In Your Head

A Story About…The Voice In Your Head What does the voice in your head tell you? Is it helpful or unhelpful stuff? The Internal Voice can be very convincing! No, don’t be stupid You are rubbish at You can’t do You’re not good enough to […]

A Story About…Health

A Story About…Health

A story about…..Health is for life not just for January

???? January is a time when lots of people make decisions to change many aspects in their lives.

Gyms see the impact of this as their membership number goes up.????

????????But being healthy is so much more than time in the gym.

Healthy involves all aspects of our lives: physical, mental, emotional, work, rest and play.

I’d say small changes throughout the day done consistently can have a bigger impact on our health than an hour in the gym occasionally.
(Controversial statement coming from a PT!)????

But these changes can suffer from the impact of Real Life. Our motivation and focus can be lost in the day to day challenges. And our implementation of the decision we have made can drop off and often get abandoned completely under the pressure.

Sounds doom & gloom.
But there is a different way.

It makes a huge difference to the longevity of change if we have support, accountability and a sounding board on a consistent basis to keep us moving forward.

???? This is where I can help……

So if you want to make personal change happen Your Way in 2024 and can see the benefit in being supported and held accountable to keep you moving forward this year, drop me a note to find out more.

Your Health is for life and not just January???? Message me now to find out more.

newyear2024 oxfordshire sortyourshitout


Group, Online or 121 Memberships – what works for you best? You choose. PM me for a chat to find your best solution.

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

The short answer? A fighter pilot – aged 8 and female in the 70’s this was not even allowed! I was told I could be an air traffic control officer instead.  Same, same, right?! By the time society had changed enough to let women be […]